ADHD People | Gina Fenton aka The Extreme Mom
The Extreme Mom, Painfully Un-Perfect The Extreme Mom is an online commentary of the actual conversation taking place inside the head of Gina Fenton’s head. With over 100 Thousand likes on her Facebook page, and a successful blog, she is also a nurse, a mom, and an advocate for those of us with ADHD. Her work will be featured in an upcoming book called, “Mom for the Holidays” due to be released in 2015 and in 2016 "How to Survive Tantrums and Babysitters" both coming from Monkey Star Press Gina is a beautiful person, and one of the kindest people I know, and the“Extreme” label is by no means a cliché. Gina is humbled by the everyday adversity of ADHD, Depression, Bipolar, Autistic Spectrum Disorders; Asperger’s and Sensory Processing Disorder to name a few. She is a proud member of the Parental Special Forces. That’s like a Green Beret, but with more practical skills. The Extreme Mom lives in NY with her husband, four children, two dogs and the infamous feline… “ThatGoddamnedCat.” She’s an active advocate for ADHD, Autistic spectrum disorders, and mental health. Gina’s a Registered Nurse specialized in pediatrics, obstetrics, mental health, school nursing and childbirth education. She loves children, animals and baby dinosaurs. I speak for myself and Yvonne when I say we both LOVE The Extreme Mom. Learn More about the Extreme Mom Extreme Mom's Blog Facebook Page Facebook Group @extrememomgina [wp-rss-aggregator source="502" limit="200"]
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A great marriage that almost ended

Episode 102

Ep101 Cancer Loses Tom Nardone Wins!!


Ep99 | Just a Bunch of Crap

Ep.98| We're Back Did you miss us?

Ep97 The Amazing Marina Darlow

Ep96 The Vibe of the Tribe or CHADD Conference Reveiw

ep.95 | First Day Back to Work Tomorrow!