Welcome to the best Joni Mitchell podcast. If you are looking for a podcast on Joni Mitchell or a podcast on the album BLUE, this is it! In this episode, we talk about the Joni Mitchell album Blue. We get a special treat when Cranky Matt shows up and Rob talks about the misadventures of online schooling. Aaron schools us with California anthems list and then we listen to some Joni Mitchell covers, INCLUDING THE BEST SONG EVER BY NAZARETH! We discuss what it means to be a poet and why so many people seem to suck at it. The Beck Line uncovers the mysteries of Matt's least favorite chore and Aaron is once again shown the be the most talented of all of us. We also discuss how great of a songwriter Mitchell is while we talk about if we would want to be the subject of her songs. Contact us at beckdiditbetter@gmail.com and follow us on twitter and Instagram @beckdiditbetter Call the Beck line at 802 277 2325
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229. Patsy Cline: The Ultimate Collection (2000)

228. De La Soul: De La Soul Is Dead (1991)

227. Little Richard: Here's Little Richard (1956)

225. Derek and the Dominos: Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs (1970)

225. Wilco: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (2002)

224. The Chicks: Fly (1999)

223. John Lennon: Imagine (1971)

The Pervert Hour at Pervert Corner

222. Madonna: Ray of Light (1998)