34. Stevie Wonder: Innervisions (... actually a pretty good vibrator name)

34. Stevie Wonder: Innervisions (... actually a pretty good vibrator name)



We are talking about Stevie Wonder once again. We talk about our love languages, vibrators and how we organize our phones. Normal stuff!    Aarons admits his big boat obsession and talks about things found behind the stove. Russ his us up with his Fender Rhodes list and drops some more Ray Charles and Bill Withers on us. Turns out we love various piano types!   IMPORTANT UPDATE: NEXT WEEK WE ARE DOING THE CHRONIC FOR 4/20 AND NOT OFF THE WALL!   Contact us at beckdiditbetter@gmail.com and follow us @beckdiditbetter on twitter and instagram.    Call the bext line at 802 277 BECK