Listen.... We are so busy. Well, some of us that do the editing and posting and preparing are busy. We deserve a break! It isn't easy talking to people for longer than we should once a week! But we know you piggies need your slop so we have a fun one to put into your mouths. We have always said that the true heroes of the podcast are our listeners. You keep us going and your smart and insightful comments each week help us make the show better. So we decided to do an episode dedicated to you! This is a collection of our favorite voicemails and texts from you! The true heroes! In fact, I give you permission to put on your finest navy whites when you listen to this while you mow the lawn, do the dishes, and generally avoid your family. If you want to participate, call or text 802 277 BECK! Be part of a great team full of respect and love!
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229. Patsy Cline: The Ultimate Collection (2000)

228. De La Soul: De La Soul Is Dead (1991)

227. Little Richard: Here's Little Richard (1956)

225. Derek and the Dominos: Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs (1970)

225. Wilco: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (2002)

224. The Chicks: Fly (1999)

223. John Lennon: Imagine (1971)

The Pervert Hour at Pervert Corner

222. Madonna: Ray of Light (1998)