You really don't need this podcast, but you're really going to feel it when we hit you deep in the sidewall this week with the best podcast about Elvis Costello, and the 121st greatest album of all time, This Year's Model. But before we talk about the music we prove that we're a bottom 2% podcast when we take a voicemail about dreams, changing tires, charity events, and holiday parties. We also become the best Star Wars podcast, kind of, when we talk custom lightsabres. Finally, we discuss whether it's ok to play video games while someone else cleans your house. The discussion in the first half of this episode was at full capacity and the output was great so at (49:00) we decided to talk about Elvis Costello's new wave punk pop album, This Year's Model. We discussed the Attractions musical contributions, the musicians who were banned from SNL, and pay some other lip service to some things about this album that I really can't recall. Next week we're going to hurt your eardrums just to see if you still feel when we become the best Nine Inch Nails podcast and talk about their industrial rock album, The Downward Spiral.
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229. Patsy Cline: The Ultimate Collection (2000)

228. De La Soul: De La Soul Is Dead (1991)

227. Little Richard: Here's Little Richard (1956)

225. Derek and the Dominos: Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs (1970)

225. Wilco: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (2002)

224. The Chicks: Fly (1999)

223. John Lennon: Imagine (1971)

The Pervert Hour at Pervert Corner

222. Madonna: Ray of Light (1998)