Episode 07 The Parable of Ten Virgins

Episode 07 The Parable of Ten Virgins



"Welcome back to '2 Minutes with the Lord,' where we explore Jesus' teachings to understand their profound impact on our lives. I'm Fr. Dominic Veigas, SVD, and today, we're delving deeper into The Parable of the Ten Virgins. This story isn't just about preparedness; it's a reflection on our spiritual endurance and the quality of our daily walk with Christ. Let's analyze this parable and discover how to apply its lessons to be spiritually vigilant and ready." "Jesus presents this parable in Matthew 25 to illustrate what the Kingdom of Heaven will be like. Ten virgins, or bridesmaids, are waiting for the bridegroom—five are wise and bring extra oil for their lamps; five are foolish and bring only oil what's in their lamps. As the bridegroom's arrives late, they all fall asleep. At midnight, the cry rings out, 'Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!' All ten wake up, but only the wise have enough oil to keep their lamps burning. The foolish ask for oil but are told to go and buy their own. While they are gone, the bridegroom arrives, and the wise virgins go with him to the wedding feast. The door is then shut. When the foolish virgins return, it's too late; the door is closed, and the bridegroom declares, 'Truly I tell you, I do not know you.'"