Welcome to Astronomica, a science fiction OSR actual play podcast using the Stars Without Number RPG system. Join Star Master Stan and regular players Colin, Cullen, Geoff, and Kristen as they crew the definitely-not-piloted-by-a-rogue-AI ship The Admiral Grace. From encounters with magnificent space whales to battling intergalactic corporate scumbags, there is nothing this crew can't make way more complicated than it needs to be. Tag along every Wednesday and listen in as we learn that the true friends were the ones you decompressed and maybe accidentally spaced along the way.
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Ep 164: This Episode Could Have Been an Email

Ep 163: Somewhere Over the Event Horizon

Ep 162: The Order of the Gelatinous Tesseract

Ep 161: Please Subscribe to My OnlyScans

Ep 160: We Found the Snitorous

Ep 159: The Only Cat Girls in the VIP

Ep 158: All Dog-bots Go to Heaven

Ep 157: New Year, New UwU

Ep 156: The Astronomica Holiday Special

Ep 155: The Long Dark Alcove of the Soul

Ep 154: The Meat Puppet Who Loved Me

Ep 153: Kitty Game Bananas

Ep 152: CB is Definitely Innocent

Bonus: Happy Donksgiving!

Ep 151: Everything is...Fine?

Ep 150: The Med-bot with the Golden Scalpel

Ep 149: On the Seomgim's Secret Service

Ep 148: From Panamorfi with Love

Ep 147: Tinker Tailer Soldier Sock it to Me Baby

Bonus: Mama Tried Ep 1

Ep 146: Get Lucky Once

Ep 145: The Legend of Dip Chrysalis

Ep 144: The Good Old Days

Ep 143: So Long and Thanks for All the K-holes

Ep 142: Betulus Betulus Betulus

Ep 141: In Hot Pursuit of the Hot Sprite

Story So Far: The Question of Cuatlicue

Ep 140: Chatstronomica the VI

Ep 139: Did We Do Good Here?

Ep 138: Terror Birds aren't Real

Ep 137: Verifed Amateurs

Ep 136: Clear the Decks and Beat the Quarters

Ep 135: Party Bus S.A.M.

Ep 134: The Irish Hello

Ep 133: We Shitted Your Rocks

Ep 132: Game Over, Man

Ep 131: Just Sapo to Drugs

Ep 130: Best Laid Plans

Ep 129: Putting the Dip in the Dip-de-diplomat

Ep 128: Take Me To Your Leader

Ep 127: The Vault in Our Stars

Ep 126: Beaking Bad

Ep 125: The God Gambit

Ep 124: Snail Ya Later

Ep 123: Escargot to Hell

Ep 122: Hold Onto Your Az-tec

Ep 121: Ashigar-Who?

Ep 120: The El Dorado Allemande

Ep 119: Scan and Deliver