I can remember the first time I heard of Square, and I can remember receiving that little white square phone attachment. How was this free? I can just swipe someone's credit card and sell a shirt? It seemed too easy to be true, revolutionary. Author/founder Jim McKelvey (and eventual Twitter founder Jack Dorsey) set out to "square up" the credit card industry, and this is how they did it. ... Get this book here: The Innovation Stack To inquire about assemblies and speaking: Speaking Form Learn more about Spaniard School online membership: Spaniard School Purchase all your books here: Spaniard Show Reading List Get my two books here: DRIVEN, Becoming the World’s Toughest Lifelong Learner Connect on social media: Instagram: @charliespaniard YouTube: Charlie "The Spaniard" Brenneman Facebook: Charlie "The Spaniard" Brenneman Twitter: @charliespaniard