Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed and Goat Wrangler Tammy Dunakin
Susun will answe 90 minutes of health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Tammy Dunakin. Tammy started Rent-a-Ruminant LLC in 2004. She had no idea how to do this business and there were no "how to" books or programs set up to teach her. She lives in the Pacific Northwest on Vashon Island and service cities and towns throughout. Tammy currently has about 140 goats and 2 herding dogs. They are what she calls Urban Nomads and travel from job to job munching unwanted vegetation as they go.. They live on site. The goats are her friends and are almost all rescues. They are never slaughtered and when they can no longer go on jobs are retired to live out their days on Tammy's farm in peace. this episode Q&A- includes: • thyroid issues? eat kelp for deep rich mineralization.. • lymphoma- red clover and burdock infusion, poke root tincture, cleavers tincture.. • lupus means immune sysytem is exhausted, nourish with fresh echinacea root tincture.. • polycystic ovarian syndrome? check out Down There at • hot flashes and waking at night- find rest outside of sleeping.. • arthritis pain? whip with fresh stinging nettle and check out "oh my aching joints" in New Menopausal Years.. • the real power is in the moon logde not the sweat lodge.. • jaw pain and clenching the teeth- Have you biten off more than you can chew? tincture of st. joans wort prevents and relives muscle spasms.. • vaginal dryness- drink oatstraw infusions and acidophilus capsules inserted vaginally..