Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Love Your Life Dr. Shaelyn Pham
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview Dr. Shaelyn Pham. Shaelyn Pham is a psychologist, author, speaker and coach, she reveals why the world needs more selfish people in THE JOY OF ME: Uncover Your Loving Self Through the Art of Being Selfish. Dr. Pham is about to challenge everything you think you know about selflessness and happiness. The Los Angeles-based psychologist declares that despite what your parents probably taught you about the values of sharing and compromising, adults who take care of their own needs first have more self-confidence and may make better parents and spouses. this episode Q&A includes: • eczema treatment- yarrow tincture, honey and aloe.. • 3 year old with inflamed uncircumcised penis red and inflamed- anti infective such as echinacea internally and topically.. • autoimmune disease is an exhausted immune system.. • nourishing herbal infusions, bone broth, elderberry infusion and sauerkraut for the flu.. • if you want something out of the kidneys- nourish the liver- milk thistle seed and dandelion.. • the 7 medicines and hepatitis C and ovarian cancer • edema and moving lymphatic fluid with cleavers and poke.. • giving death.. • and much more..