Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Pelvic Floor Health Dr Sandra Bevacqua
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Dr. Sandra Bevacqua. Dr. Sandra Bevacqua, a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology, has worked as a research scientist at both the university and government levels. Most recently, Dr. Bevacqua has focused on developing educational programs in the field of Holistic Women’s Health. Frustrated by the lack of options available to women faced with pelvic health concerns she developed The Pelvic Health Transformation Program, Pregnancy and The Pelvic Floor, and The Mystery is Over! Understanding Female Sexual Health in which women of all ages receive the complete education and the techniques needed to naturally recover from pelvic floor discomfort, pain and loss of function due to organ prolapse, incontinence, pelvic pain syndrome, as well as sexual misunderstanding or dysfunction. this episode Q&A includes: • poke root tincture- only one drop at a time!! considered a poisonous plant- use minuscule amount.. • anxiety and depression- taking motherwort tincture from fresh flowering plant- start with small dose and increase as needed.. • when making nourishing herbal infusions use one herb at a time.. • persistant pelvic pain.. • Dr. Duke's phytochemical and ethnobotanical database.. • harvesting nettle and making nettle soup.. • swollen lymph nodes in baby- cleavers.. • lip discoloration and heavy menses- yellow dock tincture, well cooked leafy greens.. • irritated toddler- trying to wean- sage infusion to dry up breastmilk- poppyseed milk to calm little one..