Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Sunshine Noodles and Me Cheryl Ash-Simpson
Health and diet advice you can trust...Susun Weed answers your health questions followed by an informative interview with Cheryl Ash-Simpson. In 2009, Cheryl Ash-Simpson was diagnosed with Stage IIA breast cancer just three days before her wedding. And not only was she preparing for her nuptials, but she was also planning a big move to Southeast Asia to begin her new life with her husband, Richard, who re-located to Malaysia for a new job. “Sunshine, Noodles and Me” chronicles Ash-Simpson’s treatment; loss of her hair, and her new lease on life in a country, far, far away. The documentary was shot on location in Malaysia, Singapore, Indianapolis and Dallas. this episode Q&A includes: • burdock root- digging and storing • do not use raw vinegar to make herbal vinegars- vinegar must be pasteurized.. • chemicals in apples and chemicals in our environment- oil soluble and water soluble.. • 12 million adults are misdiagnosed per year in outpatient medical care.. • pain as an ally.. • instead of trying- DO IT! • cyst on eyebrow of a 4 year old.. • scarred fallopian tubes and ectopic pregnancy.. • red clover infusion is an aid to safe normal pregnancy.. • motherwort tincture is an aid to safe normal thoughts.. • irritable bowel syndrome- slippery elm honey balls and getting tested for celiacs disease.. • cooking liver..