Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed &Holistic Business Management Connie Whitman
Health and diet advice you can trust...Susun Weed answers your health questions followed by an informative interview with Connie Whitman. Connie Whitman has more than 32 years of management, sales, training and coaching experience. She is widely recognized for her ability to create practical training and sales management solutions that have consistently generated increased sales and revenues for her clients. During her career, she has acted as a strong leader and sales manager with proven experience in developing effective business plans, creating long-range strategic focus and devising innovative methods to grow sales, increase market share and profit. this episode Q&A includes: • fenugreek- uses and how to prepare.. • freeze or cook fruit to prevent glucose levels from rising too high.. • uncircumcised child with infection- witch hazel, yarrow, echinacea.. • altitude sickness- are you eating enough meat? osha carries oxygen to cell- take in very small amounts.. • not against drugs in any shape or form- against overuse of drugs.. • strokes, blood clots, aspirin, white willow.. • making dandelion atilano.. • tight hips- hydrotherapy, seaweed baths, hypericum.. • wanting to complete miscarriage at home.. • cervical cancer- chemo and radiation may be the best option.. • chinese herbs are grown with a huge amount of chemicals and when tested often times contain drugs not labeled.. • PCOS- most important thing is to eat animal fat at every meal.. • pomegranate seeds..