Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Get Your Mojo Back Marcie Goldman
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Marcie Goldman. Marcie Goldman started her nutrition journey as a child growing up with a compulsive over-eater and dieter (her father went from morbidly obese to the "Biggest Loser"). Losing over 100lbs, he went from "food-addict" to "fit & healthy" before her eyes. At age 8, food meant LIFE or a constant battle. Most recently her passion for mental health led her to a certification as an Addiction Recovery Nutrition Coach through the Alliance for Addiction Solutions. She helps people recover from food, alcohol and drug addiction using nutrition therapy. this episode Q&A includes: • natural birth control- wild carrot seed or cotton root bark tincture for women, heat for men... • you get more nutrition- minerals, vitamins, proteins, polyphenols from nourishing herbal infusions than from multivitamins and supplements... • pregnant and lactating women thrive on including animal fat in every meal in addition to infusions... • cystic acne and violet infusion... • existential anxiety- oatstraw infusion and passionflower tincture... • nettle infusion improves everything in our health and our life... • fenugreek tea to help moderate blood sugar... • epstein barr- hypericum perforatum tincture and Stephen Buhner's book 'Herbal Antivirals' • cat with asthma- mullein milk • scientific tradition measures and fixes, heroic tradition cleanses and purges, wise woman tradition nourishes the whole...