Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Astrology and Mythology Don Cerow
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Don Cerow. Don's a certified NCGR Level IV astrologer known for the warmth, insight and depth he brings to his counseling practice. An astrologer since ‘72, his interest has been in how astrology evolved from the mythology and astronomy of ancient peoples. He received a degree in Classics, Magna cum Laude from UMass in ‘76, wrote a weekly column ( for various newspapers between ‘83 and 2010 (currently available through his WEBSite). In 2003 he reconstructed an early model of Stonehenge in a story picked up by the New York Times. He's produced shows for radio and television and taught at colleges, universities and planetariums across the country. In ‘05 he wrote and produced a multimedia show for Fiske Planetarium at the U of Colorado, Boulder entitled Star, Myths and Dragons, pushing back the limits of what our forebearers knew about the heavens. This same theme is now a book entitled When the Dragon Wore the Crown, available through Amazon or your favorite local neighborhood bookstores.