Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Natural Medicine Dr. Tieraona Low Dog
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Dr. Tieraona Low Dog. Tieraona Low Dog, M.D.’s exploration of natural medicine and its role in modern health care began more than 35 years ago as she studied midwifery, herbal medicine, massage therapy, and martial arts before earning her medical degree from the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. Dr. Low Dog is an internationally recognized expert in the fields of integrative medicine, dietary supplements, herbal medicine and women’s health. She has been an invited speaker to more than 550 scientific/medical conferences, published 40 peer-reviewed articles, written 20 chapters for medical textbooks, and has authored five books, including three National Geographic books, Fortify Your Life, Healthy at Home, and Life is Your Best Medicine. She recently founded her own natural medicine school, Medicine Lodge Ranch, which offers both digital and in-person courses with Dr. Low Dog. Dr. Low Dog lives with her husband, horses, chickens, dogs, and cats on a small ranch in the mountains outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico. For more information, see: this episode Q&A includes: • if you're vegan you have to take vitamin B12 that is genetically modified.. • when you're young, it's time to make bone mass- eat dairy.. • ulcerative colitis- slippery elm and comfrey leaf infusion.. • how to prepare rhodiola and adapt.. • hypericum perferatum..