Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Loving Bitch Rythea Lee
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Rythea Lee. Rythea is a professional dancer and multi-disciplinary artist giving voice to personal and global stories of healing. She produces and directs performances that activate intensity with humor, highly physical dance with spoken word, and social commentary with personal story. She is a trauma and abuse counselor for 23 years and is devoted to helping people recover and thrive after surviving unspeakable atrocities. She published a book called Trauma into Truth: Gutsy Healing and Why It's Worth it, an upbeat and practical book about what the journey of healing looks like, where it leads, and why it's worth it. Her aim to both heal and entertain combines at the deepest level in her on-line Youtube show called Advice from a Loving Bitch. The show uses zany humor, therapeutic monologues, compelling interviews, and dance parties to teach people how to transform crippling self-hatred into lasting self-love. It speaks to people from all walks of life. Her show can be found at this episode Q&A includes: • herbs don't treat diseases- they treat people.. • environmental allergies- are you allergic to life? • do not make infusions from aromatic plants. • eating milkweed flowers after cooking and discarding water twice. • kidney stones.. • symptoms from endometriosis.. • echinacea, yarrow and cornsilk for the bladder..