Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Crow's Daughter Julie Charette Nunn
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Julie Charette Nunn. Julie, Crow's Daughter is a shamanic herbalist and long-time teacher, herbal crafter, organic gardener/farmer, goat herd and successful business owner from Whidbey Island in Washington State. She teaches listening as a way to gain access to the abundant wisdom in nature, and supports people to open themselves to greater possibility by sharing their gifts. She offers shamanic herbal apprenticeships, wisdom circles, home study courses and individual mentorships sessions in the shamanic herbal tradition of the wise woman. She also offers hand-crafted, nourishing herbal products. Julie's specialty is connecting people in nature to learn more deeply who they are. this episode Q&A includes: • vitamin supplements are made by large petrochemical companies that sell these drugs to smaller suppliers that make their own products from them.. • smoking is a very shamanic act, humans are the only species that inhale fire.. • eyesight- the very best thing for eyes is egg yolk. • bacterial infection- echinacea- pupurea and augustifolia- how to take, make and buy.. • whenever we hear advice to eliminate a whole food from our diets, we know it's bad advice.. • long term hacking cough- mullein.. • visualize the end result- not the process getting there..