In death, The Somerton Man remains a mystery. But what was he in life? A Russian spy? Was he a black market racketeer, a professional dancer on holiday, an estranged lover saying goodbye one last time, or perhaps a combination of all of the above? Tonight in our final episode on the mystery of The Somerton Man, we look at most of the major theories put forth, and until that day a breakthrough in the case comes to light, we say, Tamám Shud… It is finished. Tonight’s Quote: “Please be advised that a search of these prints through the Identification Division of the FBI has failed to disclose any record. Sincerely Yours, John Edgar Hoover.” — Excerpt from a January 1949 Letter to the Adelaide Police Commissioner obtained by Professor Abbott through the Freedom of Information Act regarding the Somerton Man’s Fingerprints. Show Links: We’ve found that some sites are not showing these links as clickable unless they are URLs, so until those outlets improve their show notes section, we are providing actual URLs next to the clickable description of each link to make things easier for our listeners! The Dark Myths Collective: The Dark Myths Collective! http://darkmyths.org SIGN THIS PETITION FOR EXHUMATION OF THE SOMERTON MAN SO HE CAN BE PROPERLY LAID TO REST! http://bit.do/somerton For more information on this episode visit our website! Show Links: The website for the fantastic historical action novels of A. L. Sowards http://bit.ly/1WCcM7k Professor Derek Abbott’s primary source material on the Somerton Man case http://bit.ly/1pOYPVf Malcolm Gladwell’s article in the New Yorker on Kim Philby http://bit.ly/1uf1gAO Kim Philby, British double agent, reveals all in secret video http://bbc.in/1V3bFw7 Thomas Boghardt’s article on the Cambridge 5 on spymuseum.org http://bit.ly/1rQC4Bo The Cambridge 5 end up as “hopeless drunks” http://bbc.in/1Oz4vxS Article on Cold War Australia, The Petrov Commission, and Operation VENONA http://bit.ly/1TmRJCI Description of the roles of the GRU and the KGB as Soviet intelligence agencies http://bit.ly/1TeVnk7 Miliary Tuberculosis on Wiki, which may have caused some of Somerton Man’s symptoms http://bit.ly/1qsKbmu Profits Over Patriotism: Black Market Crime in World War II Sydney by Timothy Blum http://bit.ly/1Xlttm7 The Grave of the Tamám Shud Man on Atlas Obscura http://bit.ly/1YxwQoL The California Sunday Magazine article featuring Professor Abbott http://bit.ly/1JwbxhD The South Australia Police Historical Society’s newsletter Hue and Cry – scroll down to see their blurb on TSM http://bit.ly/1TWKvEd Christopher Andrew and the Strange Case of Roger Hollis on Quadrant Online http://bit.ly/1TWKvEd Gordon Cramer’s Blog on the Tamam Shud Mystery featuring the technique of “Micro Writing” http://bit.ly/1NwhtMK Nick Pelling’s blog on the Somerton Man – Note: his servers are being updated due to high traffic so check back if currently unavailable! http://bit.ly/1TYEh73 Pete Bowes’ blog on The Somerton Man http://bit.ly/1WC6PXw Adelaide’s The Advertiser article examines Micro Writing and the code http://bit.ly/1TjSKvo AV Club’s article on “Tamán Shud” http://avc.lu/22evm4L ABC documentary on the case, Part 1 of 3 (click on other YouTube links to get parts 2 & 3 once finished) http://bit.ly/1Xw5kcR Mike Dash’s article The Body on Somerton Beach on Smithsonian.com http://bit.ly/1xUb8kV The UK’s Daily Mail article with a Somerton’s “Love Child” angle http://dailym.ai/24WjvtQ Huffington Post – On the Trail of the Somerton Man http://huff.to/1ID8nqM A little bit about the code and Abbott on Phys.org http://bit.ly/1KDq8qj The New Yorker article on The Science of Ricin http://bit.ly/1qpOMWo Could You Diagnose Ricin Poisoning? on MedPage Today http://bit.ly/1ThsX3A The Sarin Gas Attack in Japan and the Related Forensic Investigation http://bit.ly/1YxFK5E Acute Liver Failure Caused by Amanita phalloides Poisoning http://bit.ly/200iYDS Australia’s Most Poisonous Plants on Australian Geographic http://bit.ly/1NwlJM8 “Lady Killers” article in The New Yorker by Emily Anthes http://bit.ly/1qpQx6b Credits: Episode 036 – “The Somerton Man, Part 3: The Theories” Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Ryan McCullough Sound Design; Research Assistance by Tess Pfeifle and the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a,k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or “A.R.C.” for short. Copyright Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess 2016. All Rights Reserved.