In August of 1997, Polish journalist, military historian, researcher and author, Igor Witkowski claims to have been shown classified prisoner interrogation transcripts of German SS General Jakob Sporrenberg by a Polish Intelligence agent. What Witkowski discovered seemed to be official evacuation protocols for a secret Nazi research project concerning a device named “Die Glocke” which he referred to as, “The Nazi Bell.” Given the highest top secret classification by the German WWII military of “Krieg Entscheidend” or “War Decisive” the Nazi Bell appears to have been a machine designed to produce nuclear energy or weaponry or become an engine for anti-gravity Field Propulsion, but with some startling, uncontrollable and lethal side-effects such as the disruption of the space-time continuum. Witkowski’s findings led him to write a seminal book on the subject, Prawda o Wunderwaffe or “The Truth About the Wonder Weapon” published in 2000. This, in turn, has led authors like Nick Cook and Dr. Joseph P. Farrell to expand on the subject in their own respective books. Tonight we speak with Igor Witkowski to discuss how he came about his research on The Nazi Bell, what he thinks it might have been capable of, and finally a hint as to what it might still become. Tonight's Quote: “It was classified from the very start as decisive for the war, and supposedly the most secret research project carried out during the entire war in Germany.” —Igor Witkowski, Polish journalist, military historian, researcher and author on the role of the "Nazi Bell" in World War II Show Links: We've found that some sites are not showing these links as clickable unless they are URLs, so until those outlets improve their show notes section, we are providing actual URLs next to the clickable description of each link to make things easier for our listeners! The Truth About The Wunderwaffe by Igor Witkowski http://a.co/30s9meC The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology by Nick Cook http://a.co/cisrU1y The SS Brotherhood of the Bell: Nasa's Nazis, JFK, And Majic-12 by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell http://a.co/gw8pGlb Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology by Henry Stevens http://a.co/3fBBDcg "Die Glocke" on Wikipedia http://bit.ly/2lBHQnt What is Zero-Point Energy? Let Wikipedia explain it. http://bit.ly/2lUnGJC Wormholes - in astrophysics http://bit.ly/1kK0J6s Field Propulsion http://bit.ly/2lX5aNC Mystery of "The Flytrap" - YouTube documentary: http://bit.ly/2kSM2ze Interview with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell on The Paranormal Podcast #91, by Jim Harold "Nazis and the Bell" http://bit.ly/2lgE2sS Secrets of the Nazi Bell with Tim Ventura and Dr. Joseph Farrell http://bit.ly/2lX909b Die Glocke - The Nazi Bell on Unsolved Mysteries of the World blog http://bit.ly/2lt8G4h The Nazi Bell on Me Time for the Mind http://bit.ly/2l4x1gc Nazi Bell Uncovered - Behind the Myth http://bit.ly/2m6rvHM Above Top Secret Forum - Nazi Bell Debunked? http://bit.ly/2m6AcSr Jeff Rense on Die Glocke http://bit.ly/2lglGs8 Uranium - Twisting the Dragon’s Tail PBS documentary, Part 1 of 2 http://bit.ly/2ltYEjG Operation Paperclip http://bit.ly/1mmEG31 Operation Epsilon http://bit.ly/2lUujvz Alsos Mission http://bit.ly/2kSXbzT Operation Big http://bit.ly/2lUtkLV Operation Harborage http://bit.ly/2lu1qWk Walter Gerlach http://bit.ly/2ltSkJc Wernher von Braun http://bit.ly/1JKgp2g Jakob Sporrenberg http://bit.ly/2ltWZuK Hans Kammler http://bit.ly/2kyAoxm Martin Bormann http://bit.ly/2m6ALM3 Heinrich Müller http://bit.ly/2ltR3lx Heinrich Himmler http://bit.ly/1DLxbyL Special Offers from our Special Sponsors: Make your next move in simple yet elegant website design with Squarespace. Go to Squarespace.com and use PROMO CODE - "LEGENDS" for 10% off any website subscription or domain purchase Blue Apron – Home cooking never tasted so good or was so much fun to make! Go to blueapron.com/astonishing to get 3 meals FREE on your 1st order, with FREE SHIPPING Find and hire the right people fast by posting to 200+ job sites and Social Media networks with ZipRecruiter. Go to ZipRecruiter.com/LEGENDS to post your job for FREE! The Great Courses Plus — Go to TheGreatCoursesPlus.com/legends and get one month of FREE, UNLIMITED ACCESS to over 500 courses and 8000+ lectures on a wide range of subjects. The Dark Myths Collective For more information on this episode visit our website! Credits: Episode 62 - "The Nazi Bell" Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Sound Editing by Sarah Vorhees; Sound Design byRyan McCullough; Research Assistance by Tess Pfeifle and the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a.k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2017 Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess. All Rights Reserved.