Anka family tradition carries on in tonight's SEASONAL BALL, PART ONE-- while Tim uses Ally Boy to save face in front of his kid sister DEENIE at the AMERIGO ROUND DINER, a visit from Olly's grandson BUBBY sets Noot Vistas astir. Featuring the Voices of Tim Rager, Alex Delesky and Kelsey Volk. Guest starring Kellsie Cara Jones as DEENIE ANKA and Robert Cabell as BUBBY, with Heather Lowry as AMY TUBARRO. OFFICIAL INTRO BY Q.. AMERIGO ROUND ambience partially recorded at Four Star Chinese Buffet in TR-NJ by Q.. As always, COME... COME... COME... HAVE A BALL! SEASONAL BALL, PART TWO: REVELS is COMING SOON!