Before the American Revolution became a war and a fight for independence, the Revolution was a movement and protest for more local control of government. So how did the American Revolution get started? Who worked to transform a series of protests into a revolution? This is a BIG question with no one answer. But one American who worked to transform protests into a coordinated revolutionary movement was a Boston politician named Samuel Adams. Stacy Schiff, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, joins us to explore and investigate the life, deeds, and contributions of Samuel Adams using details from her book, The Revolutionary: Samuel Adams. Show Notes: https://www.benfranklinsworld.com/350 Join Ben Franklin's World! Subscribe and help us bring history right to your ears! Sponsor Links Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Complementary Episodes Episode 130: Paul Revere’s Ride Through History Episode 145: Rosemarie Zagarri, Mercy Otis Warren and the American Revolution Episode 152: Bernard Bailyn, The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution Episode 153: Revolutionary Committees and Congresses Episode 193: Partisans: The Friendship and Rivalry of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson Episode 228: Eric Hinderaker, The Boston Massacre Episode 296: Serena Zabin, The Boston Massacre: A Family History Listen! Apple Podcasts Spotify Google Podcasts Amazon Music Ben Franklin's World iOS App Ben Franklin's World Android App Helpful Links Join the Ben Franklin's World Facebook Group Ben Franklin’s World Twitter: @BFWorldPodcast Ben Franklin's World Facebook Page Sign-up for the Franklin Gazette Newsletter