285 Elections in Early America: Elections & Voting in the Early American Republic
Independence from Great Britain provided the former British American colonists the opportunity to create a new, more democratic government than they had lived under before the American Revolution. What did this new American government look like? Who could participate in this new American democracy? And what was it like to participate in this new democracy? Scholars Terrance Rucker, a Historical Publications Specialist in the Office of the Historian of the U.S. House of Representatives, and Marcela Miccuci, a curator at the Museum of the American Revolution, join us to investigate the first federal elections in the United States and who could vote in early U.S. elections. Show Notes: https://www.benfranklinsworld.com/285 Join Ben Franklin's World! Subscribe and help us bring history right to your ears! Sponsor Links Omohundro Institute October 28, 2020 at 8pm eastern: Join Holly, Joe, and Liz LIVE in the Ben Franklin’s World Listener Community benfranklinsworld.com/facebook Election Series Bibliography Complementary Episodes Episode 107: Mary Sarah Bilder, Madison’s Hand Episode 151: Defining the American Revolution Episode 179: George Van Cleve, Governance During the Critical Period Episode 202: The Early History of the United States Congress Episode 203: Joanne Freeman, Alexander Hamilton Episode 260: Creating the First Ten Amendments Episode 277: Whose Fourth of July Listen! Apple Podcasts Spotify Google Podcasts Ben Franklin's World iOS App Ben Franklin's World Android App Helpful Links Join the Ben Franklin's World Facebook Group Ben Franklin’s World Twitter: @BFWorldPodcast Ben Franklin's World Facebook Page Sign-up for the Franklin Gazette Newsletter