Teenager Tina Resch made news in the 1980s with stories of supernatural disturbances in her Ohio home. The so-called “Poltergeist Girl” was the focus of academics who wanted to research her powers and skeptics who believed the whole thing was an act. As an adult now going by Christina Boyer, the young mother returned from work to find her three year old Amber fatally injured while in the care of her boyfriend. Though she maintained her innocence, Boyer accepted a life plea to avoid the death penalty.After three decades in prison, a group of Georgetown students dug into Boyer’s case, looking to expose a miscarriage of justice. Despite questions about the evidence used to convict her, officials remained unshaken the mother is deceptive and guilty of murder.The Hulu series “Demons & Saviors” from ABC News Studios digs into Boyer’s paranormal origin story, the circumstances around Amber’s death, and the effort to win her release. What role did her supernatural fame play in her prosecution? And can she find justice when authorities feel in the absence of solid evidence, she’s still criminally responsible just because the victim was her child?OUR SPOILER-FREE REVIEWS OF "DEMONS & SAVIORS" BEGIN IN THE FINAL 13 MINUTES OF THE EPISODE.In Crime of the Week: a series of unfortunate events. For exclusive podcasts and more, sign up at Patreon.Sign up for our newsletter at crimewriterson.com.