San Diego’s McKamey Manor drew fame as a boundary breaking, interactive haunted house - not one filled with ghosts and goblins - but one where visitors are tied up, waterboarded, or buried alive. Now located in Tennessee, attraction goers are saying the manor is going too far with its physical and mental abuse. Owner Russ McKamey disagrees, pointing to its rabid online following for his no charge, “extreme haunt” experience. But its murky waiver forms, military-grade stress techniques, and intimidation of visitors who want to leave the haunted house now have the authorities wondering if McKamey Manor is actually a torture chamber.In the podcast “Inside McKamey Manor” from Always True Crime, host Elizabeth McCafferty explores the controversial scare attraction, why people are drawn to it, and why it’s still in operation. She also talks to a variety of experts with insight into various aspects of the horror experience.OUR SPOILER-FREE REVIEWS OF "INSIDE McKAMEY MANOR" BEGIN IN THE FINAL ELEVEN MINUTES OF THE EPISODE.In Crime of the Week: O brother, where art thou? For exclusive podcasts and more, sign up at Patreon.Sign up for our newsletter at crimewriterson.com.