Wrapping up with part 2 of this 15 in 60, we look back on the past couple of weeks for four teams in the East: Orlando (0:00), Philadelphia (9:29), Toronto (18:04), and Washington (23:10). If you like Dunc’d On, you or someone in your life might like my wife Aislinn’s analytical approach to yoga. Check out her streaming service, Yoga With Aislinn, free for a week. Subscribe to our new weekly mailing list for free bonus content and all the info you need to keep up with the latest from Nate and Danny! With Nate Duncan (@NateDuncanNBA) and Danny Leroux (@DannyLeroux). Subscribe to Dunc’d On Prime, the only place to get every episode with Nate & Danny, plus every pod with John Hollinger & Nate as well! DuncdOn.SupportingCast.FMSubscribe on YouTube to see our hilarious faces and, more importantly, see watch this free pod twice a week.Or, sign up for our FREE mailing list to get Dan Feldman's Daily Duncs with all the major topics around the league twice a week.