Topics include:How Jeffrey has written CSS historically, and what drew him to a utility-first approachIncrementally replacing Bulma with TailwindThe importance of solidifying your Tailwind configuration before beginning to implement a designThe new Tailwind color systemWhy choosing a color palette in advance is much better than using preprocessor functions like darken() or lighten()How duplicating your markup is often a better solution than trying to write incredibly crafty responsive CSSHow Tailwind helps with performance by letting you keep your CSS cachedHow to use CSS variables to create multiple themes for the same Tailwind siteSponsors:Rollbar, sign up at https://rollbar.com/fullstackradio and install Rollbar in your app to receive a $100 gift card for Open CollectiveImageCon, Cloudinary's upcoming conference for any developer who works with rich media. Get 15% off using the code FULLSTACKRADIO15.Links:LaracastsTailwind CSSGroup Hover in TailwindMobile Twitter, responsive app without media queriesTheming Tailwind demo on GitHubEasy Tailwind Themes Using CSS Variables, free lesson on LaracastsLaravel, Vue and SPAs, Laracasts series on building an SPA with Tailwind CSSLaraCats.com 😸