![podcast cover](https://podmestorage.blob.core.windows.net/podcast-images/8c8c9eb6d908459eb1be1d5cd63c84db_medium.jpg)
A Christian devotional podcast where I'm able to talk about why I find gratitude, in some way, EVERYDAY because of Who I am and Whose I am. I believe God has given each of us a purpose and because of that, we can not just live, but thrive!
Tilaa Premium
Tilaa Premium hintaan 9,99€/kk ja löydä kaikki suosikkipodisi. Kokeile 14 päivää maksutta.*
Kaikki suosikkipodisi yhdessä sovelluksessa
Podcasteja yksinoikeudella
Premium-podcastit ilman mainoksia
*Saat kokeilujakson käyttöösi, mikäli et ole aiemmin kokeillut Premiumia.
22 jaksot
2021-09-30 • 12min
Watch God Do a New Thing!
2021-02-24 • 8min
Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God!
2021-02-17 • 8min
Easter Sunday!
2020-04-13 • 1min
Maundy Thursday
2020-04-09 • 3min
Tuesday of Holy Week
2020-04-07 • 3min
Monday in Holy Week
2020-04-06 • 4min
Palm Sunday
2020-04-05 • 5min
Friday, Fourth Week of Lent
2020-03-20 • 3min
Thursday, Fourth Week of Lent
2020-03-19 • 4min
Tuesday, Fourth Week of Lent
2020-03-17 • 4min
Monday, Fourth Week of Lent
2020-03-16 • 4min
Wednesday, Third Week of Lent
2020-03-11 • 3min
Tuesday, Third Week of Lent
2020-03-10 • 3min
Monday, Third Week of Lent
2020-03-09 • 3min
Friday, Second Week of Lent
2020-03-06 • 4min
Thursday, Second Week of Lent
2020-03-05 • 4min
Wednesday, First week of Lent
2020-03-04 • 3min
Monday, Second Week of Lent
2020-03-02 • 4min
Saturday, First Week of Lent
2020-02-29 • 3min
Thursday, First Week of Lent
2020-02-27 • 6min
Fighting the Distractions that Keep Us from God
2020-02-26 • 13min