K14J6: Christopher Whiteley

K14J6: Christopher Whiteley



Kausi 14, jakso 6/10. Jos henkilö löytyy kuolleena maastosta, ei ole aina heti selvää, mihin hän on kuollut. Ruumiin vammojen perusteella epäilykset voivat kohdistua väkivaltaiseen kuolemaan. Mutta jos kyseessä on hyökkäys, onko tekijä ihminen vai kenties eläin? Kun 28-vuotiaan Christopher Whiteleyn ruumis löytyi Pohjois-Texasin metsästä, alkoi huhumylly kuoleman syistä. Viranomaisten mukaan asialla oli ollut puuma, mutta asiantuntijoiden mukaan se oli vähiten todennäköisin vaihtoehto. Mikä on totuus? Musiikki: Niko Korteniemi Jakso on tuotettu yksinoikeudella Podmelle. Lähteet: TexasMonthly: If a Mountain Lion Didn’t Kill Christopher Whiteley, What or Who Did? Morgan O’Hanlon 25.8.2021 Texas Standard: Investigators Say A Mountain Lion Killed One North Texas Man. But Others Have Doubts. Michael Marks 30.8.2021 Heavy: Mountain Lion May Have Killed Texas Man After Spotted on Camera a Week Earlier. Stephanie Dube Dwilson 25.8.2023 Stuff: ‘Nobody will tell me the truth’: US man’s death pinned on cougar attack; wildlife experts say no way. Charles Scudder 14.10.2021 Dark Outdoors: Did A Cougar Kill Christopher Whiteley Or Was It Something Else? (podcast 22.2.2024) Star-Telegram: Man was not killed by mountain lion in Hood County, Texas Parks and Wildlife says. Kaley Johnson 6.12.2020 NBC News: Missing Texas man found dead of suspected mountain lion attack. Doha Madani 6.12.2020 Hood County Sheriff’s Office News Release 1-26-21 #2 Final autopsy completed on Mountain Lion attack Dallas News: Mountain lion mystery: Cause of man’s death still in dispute as Hood County officials close case. Charles Scudder 27.1.2021 Inside Edition: Was Texas Man Killed by a Mountain Lion or Not? Authorities Are Split on What Killed Christopher Whiteley. 7.12.2020 HuffPost: 6 Wild True Crime Cases Where An Animal Got The Blame. Drusilla Moorhouse 17.10.2023 The Associated Press: Texas officials disagree on whether wild animal killed man. 7.12.2020 NBC DFW: December Death of Hood County Man Confirmed as a Wild Animal Attack. 26.1.2021 NBC DFW: Report of Hood County Mountain Lion Attack Disputed by Wildlife Officials. 5.12.2020 NBC DFW: Mountain Lion Spotted in Dallas County: TPWD Confirms. Holley Ford and Candace Sweat 30.11.2020 NBC DFW: Mountain Lion Killed in Hunt County is the Same One Spotted in Rowlett, Princeton. 15.12.2020 WITN: Autopsy results released in animal attack death of elderly Beaufort County woman. 2.5.2019 Stuff: US woman fights off mountain lion with bare hands to rescue five-year-old son. David Millward 30.8.2021 The Colorado Sun: Remember the Fort Collins trail runner who killed an attacking mountain lion? Here’s what his life has been like since. Brian Metzler 18.7.2019 National Wildlife Federation: Mountain Lion Wikipedia: Cougar, List of fatal cougar attacks in North America



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