208: Brian Stewart / Brryan Jackson

208: Brian Stewart / Brryan Jackson



Viisivuotiaana Brian Stewart alkoi oireilla vakavasti, ja hänen lääkärinsä yrittivät kuumeisesti selvittää häntä vaivaavaa salaperäistä sairautta. Kun diagnoosi lopulta varmistui, se oli paitsi järkytys myös mysteeri, sillä kukaan ei ymmärtänyt, miten Brian oli voinut altistua tälle hengenvaaralliselle sairaudelle. Jakso on tuotettu yksinoikeudella Podmelle. Pääasialliset lähteet: How a Son Survived Being Injected with HIV by His Father | GQ No 'Normal' for Boy Whose Dad Injected Him with HIV - ABC News HIV-Related Stigma and Knowledge in the United States: Prevalence and Trends, 1991–1999 - PMC AIDS Retrospective Slideshow: A Pictorial Timeline of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic U.S. Reporting Sharp Decrease In AIDS Deaths How HIV is transmitted | Terrence Higgins Trust Man Accused of Injecting H.I.V. in Son - The New York Times https://www.newspapers.com/image/207684216/?match=1&terms=%22Brian%20Stewart%22%20%2B%20trial https://www.newspapers.com/image/685525627/ https://www.newspapers.com/image/1020872258/?match=1&terms=%22Steele-Green%22 https://www.newspapers.com/image/141857002/?match=1&terms=%22Steele-Green%22 https://www.newspapers.com/image/1020871726/?match=1&terms=%22Brian%20Stewart%22 https://www.newspapers.com/image/141807914/?terms=%22Brian%20Stewart%22 https://www.newspapers.com/image/139562625/?match=1&terms=%22Brian%20Stewart%22%20%2B%20sentencing https://web.mo.gov/doc/offSearchWeb/offenderListAction.do?docId=1018559 Life expectancy after 2015 of adults with HIV on long-term antiretroviral therapy in Europe and North America: a collaborative analysis of cohort studies BRRYAN JACKSON Police: Dad Injected Son With HIV - CBS News STATE v. STEWART (2000) | FindLaw Son, 24, forgives dad who injected him with HIV: 'That's all I can do' https://www.instagram.com/brryanjackson/?hl=fi