Neptune City in New Jersey is a town of only 4,900 residents. In 2016, a local teenage girl vanished into thin air. Her abandoned car was discovered at the side of a bridge, prompting speculation that she had ended her own life. This speculation was further exacerbated when one of her close friends came forward to say that she had spoken about suicide in the past. However, it was soon discovered that Sarah had lifted a large amount of money from her bank… Sarah’s family would soon come to learn that this case was not at all what it seemed and an investigation would reveal a fatal betrayal. MYSTERIES UNCOVERED - My new book is available to purchase in bookstores worldwide or online!SPONSORS -JUNE’S JOURNEY – Thank you to June's Journey for sponsoring this episode! The objective of this murder-mystery game is to find objectives hidden within beautiful scenes. Download for free on the Apple App Store, Google Play or click here: http://onelink.to/ykz5f2 SWANSON HEALTH – Thank you to Swanson Health for sponsoring this episode! Swanson Health has been producing quality vitamins and supplements, foods, health, home and self-care products for over 50 years.Go to https://www.swansonvitamins.com/ and enter promo code “MORBID20” for 20% off!Show Notes: https://morbidology.com/morbiodology-the-podcast-60-sarah-stern/Podcast Promo: Murder & MoreTwitter: https://twitter.com/murderandmoreFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/mandmpod/Audio Credit:Ever Mindful, On My Way, Sincerely & Evening of Chaos - Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Density & Time - Water LilliesDark Tranquility - Anno Domini Beats - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6mBav72AkELicensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/Mattia Cupelli - http://www.mattiacupelli.com/Scott Buckley - UndertowBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/morbidology--3527306/support.