Robb Kelly, PhD is a world-renowned addiction consultant who believes in treating the problem of addiction, not the symptoms. He has worked for many years helping addicts and alcoholics to RECOVER their lives from the disease of addiction. He ended up homeless and broken on the streets of Manchester, England until he found the courage to save himself. Since recovering, Dr. Kelly has made it his life's mission to assist other hopeless, chronic alcoholics and addicts and educate the public on the dangers and warning signs of alcohol and addiction. In this episode we hear Robb's harrowing personal story of alcoholism and addiction and speak about: •Alcoholism being a disease not a choice. •The power of words which can form out reality. •Brain training and self-dialogue. •Kicking fear to the kerb and winning at life. •How the brain can be primed for anything. •Your self-value dictating everything that you do. •Judgment on others and yourself.