The 19th of a weekly series of radio programmes created by :zoviet*france: for Basic.fm. First broadcast 17 November 2012. Our thanks go out to the artists, sound designers and sound recordists included here for their fine work. track list 01 John Lotas Productions - Sound Effects 02 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Kontakte - Struktur X 03 Alvin Lucier - Music for Solo Performer 04 This Heat - Basement Boy 05 John Watermann - Traveller's Joy Tumor 06 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Gesang der Jünglinge 07 Akos Rozmánn - Ritornell II 08 [unknown sound recordist - bird song] - abto4 09 Bibio - Cluster at Cwm Einion 10 [unknown sound recordist] - Grey Seal Breeding Colony 11 :zoviet*france: - Greymare 12 :zoviet*france: - Notochord 13 :zoviet*france: - Untitled ['Russian Heterodoxical Songs' track 1] 14 Magnetic Church - Untitled ['Magnetic Church' track A3] 15 [unknown sound recordist - bird song] - deju6 16 Voice of Eye - Dripping Eternity 17 :zoviet*france: - Where Are They All Going, Though? 18 Ben Ponton - I Looked and You Were Still There [beta 1.0]