The 34th of a weekly series of radio programmes created by :zoviet*france: for Basic.fm. First broadcast 2 March 2013. Our thanks go out to the artists and sound recordists included here for their fine work. track list 01 Volta Laboratory Associates - 287700_part3 02 The Oo-Ray - Buoys on the Horizon 03 [unknown sound recordist / BBC] - Approach and Stop 04 Greg Davis - Location 2 05 [bird song – unknown sound recordist] - casp1 06 Hrvatski - Madrid 07 Boxhead Ensemble - Coastal Boarder 08 Steve Moore - Nostalgia of the Infinite (Homage to De Chirico) 09 Ambient Fabric - Ambiguity 10 Koen Daigaku - Phosphorescence 09 11 [unknown sound recordist] - Turkeys 12 Venetian Snares - Look 13 Karlheinz Stockhausen - Kontakte - Struktur XIV 14 :zoviet*france: - Frost Smoke [24.04.88] 15 [unknown artist] - [title unknown - ‘Sound from Other Seas’ track 05] 16 Mobile Disco Unit - [untitled - ‘Music by Numbers’ track B5] 17 [unknown sound recordist / BBC] - Switzerland: Tram Journey 18 Janek Schaefer - Eyrie of the Phoenix 19 Ortiz - Comfort Setting