The 76th of a weekly series of radio programmes created by :zoviet*france: for Basic.fm. First broadcast 21 December 2013. Our thanks go out to the artists and sound recordists included here for their fine work. track list 01 [unknown sound recordist / BBC] - Fog, Whitby Lighthouse (Close Perspective) 02 Nobukazu Takemura - Icefall 03 Konvergenz - 18.11.94 [extract] 04 Cruor - Wailu 05 :zoviet*france: - Caught in the Square 06 [unknown sound recordist / BBC] - Busy Dining Room in Hotel 07 Kristian Eidnes Andersen - Train 08 Thomas Köner - Kanon (Part 1: Brohuk) 09 Stephen P. McGreevy - Alberta Nose Whistlers 10 Nux Vomica - Live at NorCal NoiseFest 17 [extract]