The 230th of a series of weekly radio programmes created by :zoviet*france: First broadcast 3 December 2016 by Resonance 104.4 FM Thanks to the artists included here for their fine work. track list 01 Andrew Cebelsky - Golden Record: Ukrainian Greeting 02 Trio Kavkasia - Urmuli (Cart-Driver's Song) 03 Rui Bonito - Subway After the Apocalypse 04 meanwhile.in.texas - The Swan [extract] 05 Jim Wylde - How We Break Each Other 06 Natural Snow Buildings - The Exhausted Meteor 07 Quatroconnection - The C.S. Dissonance (Excerpt) 08 Restive - 01010011 09 Walter Marchetti - Il coma regna 10 Shinobu Nemoto - Trip 10 11 Steve Roden - Forehead 3 12 Artificial Memory Trace - Rebound-Bell 13 Akira Rabelais - (void) 14 14 Noimspartacus - 55-13 Vygr