The first time I met this lady, I knew that I had met a true friend and a HR rebell in crime. She is known for being the queen of radical flexibility. She believes in life balance and work being an integrated part of it. Heidi Nygjelten is the Chief People and Culture Officer at Amesto Tech House and is this weeks guest of “A regenerative future”. Together with her dog off course. In this episode we talked and barked about what made us the rebells we are, the importance of supportive mothers, how the hardships of life has made us stronger, the fallen heros of our lives and how we deal with sorrow differently. We talk about the path to finding ourselves and our dream jobs infused with a higher purpose, why we bring our personal problems to work, how work can be part of our healing process, why the workplace needs more love and why making people feel safe is an essential ingredient in the world today. Wish you all a rebellious listen!