LIBI Member Spotlight Podcast Season 1: Episode 2 "LIBI's 2021 Builders Expo" "LIBI Expo Members Speak!" Hope you enjoyed the Expo. Thanks to all who contributed to this podcast. The show was great! This was my first Expo interview episode; I'll strive to improve next year. Here are all the members who spoke on this episode, and their email info: Affiliated Insurance Agency sbarker@aaiinsurance.com Long Island Builders Institute www.libi.org Long Island Home Builders Care www.lihbc.org LIBI Member Spotlight Podcast https://libimemberspotlight.libsyn.com/website Advanced Doors Inc. Kelsey@advanceddoorsinc.com East Coast Abstract Group chuck@eca-abastract.com Renu Contracting & Restoration/Milburn Flooring akalmar@rmny.com Duravit dean.camastro@us.duravit.com Cosentino www.cosentino.com Closets by Design www.closetsbydesign.com Angela’s House Home Store www.angelashouse.org Gen Ready Inc. christopher@getgenready.com Emtec Consulting Engineers, DPC ajsolano@emtec-engineers.com OMG Oh My Gorgeous Shower Doors Inc. rennie@omgshowerdoors.com Altherm, Inc. www.altherm.com Eagle Electrical Group eagleelectricgroup@gmail.com Brandable Marketing liz@brandablemarketing.net M. Jesus Construction Corp. mjesusconstruction@gmail.com Dormakaba www.dormakaba.com Westchester Modular Homes www.wmhconstruction.com First Onsite Property Restoration rbailin@maxons.com Nikon Diamond Tools www.nikondia.com HealtheHabitats www.healthehabitats.com Winters Bros. www.wintersbros.com d’Artiste photography dartisteny@gmail.com Bargain Build www.bargainbuildli.com Marketing Reel aj@marketingreel.agency Maggio Environmental www.maggioenvironmental.com Admor Blinds and Window Fashions dan@admorblinds.com Minuteman Press print@mmpselden.com Plessers Appliances www.plessers.com Alside Building Products kmcnamara@alside.com The Huntington Closet & Cabinet Co www.huntingtoncloset.com --------------- IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO KNOW: I am an insurance professional.. Please contact me so I can help lower your commercial insurance costs significantly! Thank you! Your buddy, Steve Barker, Affiliated Agency, Inc. 516-610-1155