Destiny has requested to keep her name and her picture private, Destiny is using a pseudonym. Destiny is a survivor of many forms of abuse including physical, emotional, sexual, spiritual, financial, and many others when getting down to the bones of her experiences. Her journey of healing has led to her becoming a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach. As a survivor of abuse and a coach with a disability Destiny is passionate about the many aspects of disability, mental health, and abuse as well as the overlaps and interlinks. Her focus is spreading awareness of the many aspects which a disability makes something like abuse or healing from it different often difficult in some ways as well as the inaccessibility or non-existence of healing support available to those who are survivors with disabilities. Abuse Talk Podcast currently offers a series of interviews with those that work in the domestic abuse sector. Getting an inside feel for what its really like in their job role and sharing it with all of you. Now mixing with survivor stories. Don't forget you can respond to this episode by leaving a voice message on Anchor, get in touch if you have any queries. Our website: www.abusetalk.co.uk My website: www.jennifergilmour.com Destiny's website: powerfullypowerless.wordpress.com UK Support in relation to suicide: www.samaritans.org