S02E04 Accenture | Transition Talk - Decarbonisation Speedways
The ‘Fit for 55’ package has raised the decarbonisation ambition for Europe, and with that, the need for faster progress in decarbonizing end usage and the overall power system. The Decarbonization Speedways study, conducted by Eurelectric and Accenture, provides insight into applying the accelerated decarbonisation ambition. In this episode, Lonneke Tabak (Energy Transition Services Lead, Accenture) and Michelangelo Aveta (Policy integration lead at Eurelectric) explore the massive necessary transformation to decarbonize the power sector, focusing on viable technologies like solar PV, wind, nuclear, and hydrogen. Flexibility is vital in a system with variable power sources, addressed through demand-side response and storage assets. Lastly, the required substantial investments in generation technologies, grid infrastructure, storage, and flexibility assets are highlighted. Join us as we uncover the speedways towards a decarbonized power sector and a sustainable future.