S05 BB15 - Duning Krueger

S05 BB15 - Duning Krueger



Friendly friends and the friends who reference them. Lowlights, but highlights, too. Duning Kreuger, brought to you by Brian. Poop on phone and sandy butthole. My book: An Excess Male. Brian, dune spirit, earned a playa name(s). Qualifier Christ and the Jesi. As we said before, don't buy that shade structure. Splitting woods. You like dugs? In the SparkleDark TM. Oregon's finest Nazi tattoo. Hole or pit? Rental hippies. Hotel Reading, California. Almost eating. Initials at the commune. Also, pack a pair of pants. Plus, friction lid failure. Music: "Particles" by Wildlife Control https://wildlifecontrol.bandcamp.com/



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