When we talk about science, we often are specifically referring to Western science. Yet, what are we losing in writing off other ways of knowing? Today, we talk with Michael Blackstock, an Indigenous artist, poet, and scholar from the Gitxsan Nation, and Jeff Ellis, a PhD student in the Statistics Department at UC Riverside, about how we can interweave Western science and Indigenous knowledge to better understand our world and address current crises. Are models just metaphors? To learn more about our guests, please connect with them at: Michael Blackstock: www.blueecology.org Watershed Moments Blue Ecology The Salmon Prince The Knob Jeff Ellis: Resisting the Cage To learn more about the IPCC report referred to in this episode, please visit https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/ Intro and outro music was "Traveling in your mind" by Loyalty Freak Music. You can find more of their work at https://loyaltyfreakmusic.com/ You can find a transcript of this episode here.