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24 jaksot
What are ALMA future science goals?
2024-04-19 • 3min
Did the Observatory shut down over the Pandemic?
2024-04-12 • 3min
Who works at ALMA?
2024-04-05 • 3min
What's an ALMA fellow?
2024-03-29 • 2min
What kind of data does ALMA produce?
2024-03-22 • 3min
Where does the data go after observation?
2024-03-15 • 3min
What happens in the Control Room?
2024-03-08 • 3min
Why are there medical tests before going to the high site?
2024-03-01 • 3min
Who keeps the residency running?
2024-02-23 • 3min
Whats at OSF?
2024-02-16 • 2min
Whats a shift at OSF?
2024-02-09 • 3min
Do the antennas ever break?
2024-02-02 • 3min
Why are the Receiver Bands keep so cold?
2024-01-26 • 3min
What is the Correlator?
2024-01-12 • 3min
What is interferometry?
2024-01-05 • 3min
What makes up the antennas?
2023-12-29 • 2min
How do they move the antennas?
2023-12-22 • 2min
Why do they move the antennas?
2023-12-15 • 3min
Are all the Antennas the same?
2023-12-08 • 2min
Who's paying for all this?
2023-12-01 • 2min
Who uses ALMA for research?
2023-11-24 • 3min
What's So Special About This Telescope?
2023-11-14 • 4min
What is ALMA?
2023-11-10 • 3min
ALMA Little Universe - Trailer
2023-10-26 • 42s