A Family's Secret: The Tale of Grandma and Koda the Sasquatch In this gripping and emotional episode, a listener shares an intimate and incredible story about their grandmother's extraordinary encounter and relationship with a young Sasquatch named Koda. The narrative follows the family's interactions with Koda on their Arkansas farm, leading to a deeply personal and heart-wrenching account of love, loss, and secrecy. Confronting skepticism and disbelief, the story challenges the boundaries of what we know about the elusive creature, Bigfoot, and its capabilities for emotion and connection.Send your encounter stories to brian@paranormalworldproductions.comLeave Us A Voicemail https://www.speakpipe.com/SasquatchOdysseyPodcastVisit Our Website https://paranormalworldproductions.comAll The Socials And Stuff/Contact Brian https://linktr.ee/ParanormalWorldProd... brian@paranormalworldproductions.com00:00 Introduction and Praise for the Show 00:42 Grandmother's Mysterious Encounter 02:49 The Booger Becomes a Farmhand 04:21 A Forbidden Love 06:55 The Unbelievable Pregnancy 10:15 A Heartbreaking Conclusion 12:11 Reflections and Final Thoughts