Summer is our season! And we are feeling Zesty!Do you want to join our "XYZ Club"...Xtra Years of Zest?!Will probiotics keep us Zesty? We sample some beverages with live cultures (aka beneficial strains of bacteria). Laura is the one who keeps us up-to-date on the music scene. BTW are you going to a T Swift Concert this summer?This time, Jean discovers a vocal artist and minister- KB, a rap/hip hop performer, with a new album, "His Glory Alone."We check out the top hobbies. An author friend of ours, Amanda Uhl is a beach glass artist. Now that's a vibrant hobby!The "Mandela Effect"- Laura shares this strange phenomenon, in which a large segment of the population mis-remembers an event or topic. You may kinda freak out when you hear the examples. And we end the Eppy with fireworks!! Not really, but we do give a "Hip Hip Hooray" for Independence Day!Pass me a hot dog!We love to hear from you on Twitter and Instagram-@OK_BoomerPod Find out more at OKBoomerPod.com, or any podcast app and YouTube. Check out SpeakUpTalkRadio.com- the perfect site for authors and podcasters!