Off to Idaho (and Wanted to Let You Know About Something Awesome)
I am off tomorrow to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho for Ray Edwards' affiliate mastermind and wanted to share this with you before I left. It's Ray's upcoming affiliate launch for his Copywriting Academy course. Click Here to Sign Up for Ray’s Launch Now LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Watch TheAffiliateGuy.TV at How I Currently Make $3,874 a Week Without Creating a Single Product: Take our Affiliate Marketing Survey: Ask Me a Question here: All our recommended affiliate programs: Your First 100 Affiliates Report: This is the copywriting course Ray’s readers, students, and JV Partners begged him for. This is a complete (but concise) course on how to write copy that sells, without seeming “salesy”. Both direct-to-camera and screen-capture tutorial video, also includes templates and worksheets. This is our fourth JV Launch of this product. Our first JV Launch (October 2015) of this product was a smash hit…the second and third launches (March 2016 and 2017) were even bigger…and in each one our JV Partners had big paydays. Not only that, but STUDENTS love this course and are raving about it! One of the greatest conversion-booster for this launch will be some KILLER video Case Studies, showcasing ordinary people getting extraordinary results with our coaching program. So while we hit a home run in October, this upcoming launch should perform even better! This course is an in-demand resource for bloggers, consultants, coaches, Internet Marketers, Social Media experts, and “Platform Builders” who know the power of direct response copywriting… but who can’t afford to hire a top-flight copywriter. Price $1997 Course includes lifetime access to the members area, the right to download and keep all materials, and major bonuses. Affiliate Commission You get big rewards for helping your list… 40% for each course sale (roughly $800). Plus it’s a lifetime cookie, so this could benefit you for months or even years. We had affiliates who promoted the first launch earn major conversions during the second launch just from traffic they sent during the first launch! PLUS…some awesome prizes that we will announce later. Promotional Resources You’ll have everything you need — done for you and ready to go: Swipe copy for email and social media. Banner ads and more will be provided as well. Important Dates February 5-23, 2018 We will have more information on PLC content, etc. as we get closer to the launch. About Ray Ray Edwards is a world-renowned Copywriter and Communications Strategist. He has helped sell over $100 million in products and services for clients like Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Jeff Walker, Stu McLaren, Frank Kern, Mark Victor Hansen, Ken Davis, and many more. Ray is also the author of several books on copywriting and marketing, and the host of the top-rated iTunes business podcast, “The Ray Edwards Show.” Click Here to Sign Up for Ray’s Launch Now 5 Reasons To Join This Launch 1. The Product is Proven Simply put, you can be proud to support this launch. That is rule #1 of affiliate marketing. Students get results. If you are in doubt, go listen to this interview with John Lee Dumas and Ray. 2. The Prizes are Super Cool We are doing a lot of cool gadgets, prizes and experience prizes. We aren’t ready to announce this year’s prizes, but rest assured, there will be tons of great prizes for Top 10 plus guaranteed sales prizes that all affiliates can win! For last year’s launch, the top 10 partners (plus a few others…so anyone can win this) won tickets to a 2-day mastermind with Ray and other top performers in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona. As the launch gets closer we’ll be announcing prizes to the affiliates that are signed up for the launch. 3. We’re Running It Alright, I know that sounds a bit self-serving, but I include so you’ll know this launch will be run well. 4. The PLC (FREE) Content is Awesome The best part is, regardless of whether or not they purchase a thing from Ray, they still get amazing content that will transform their businesses and life. Ray is a teacher at heart and in the PLC content for this launch, he delivers MASSIVE value. There will be 5 pieces of pre-launch content (3 videos with audio downloads and 2 ebooks) PLUS 4 webinars. The PLC content alone is worth the price of the course. But, I promise, your audience will thank you whether they spend $1997+ or $0. 5. The Numbers are Legit Here’s a nerdy breakdown of the stats from the last launch: Top affiliate EPC: $24.78 Top affiliate optin rate: 78% Overall optin rate: 41% Overall EPC: $6.36 Every single one of those numbers will be higher this time around. We’ve taken the lessons from the last launch and re-engineered everything. The funnel converts and you’ll make a great ROI on your clicks. Bonus Reason As you participate in this launch, you’ll get better at copywriting…that’s a great fringe benefit!