Lisa Rangel is the Founder/CEO of ChameleonResumes.com, the premier executive resume writing and job landing consulting firm, and JobLandingAcademy.com, the top-tier resource career store, with client success in 88+ countries. Lisa’s mission in life is to continue to make the world a happier place with one fulfilling, well-paying job change at a time using her 4-Step M.E.T.A. Job Landing System. She is a graduate of Cornell University and the first in her family to graduate from college. She is a trusted senior-level job landing expert with an email subscriber list of 87,000 members and who has been featured or published over 200+ times in media outlets including Fortune, Forbes, Newsweek, Fast Company, Business Insider, LinkedIn, BBC, Investor's Business Daily, Crain's New York, Chicago Tribune, eFinancialCareers, Yahoo!, Monster, US News & World Report, Good Morning America & Fox Business News. Click here to purchase The Job Landing Mindset: How to Shift Your Mindset to Land Your Dream Job.