In today's AMXbooks, we travel into the deep recesses of our minds, where fear and doubt reside. And through these young men, we see the possibility of overcoming all of that which limits us. For more w/ The Spaniard: Support The Spaniard Show - https://patreon.com/charliespaniard Website/Bookings/Reading List: https://charliespaniard.com Book: https://amzn.to/2QPcf1P Facebook: https://facebook.com/charliespaniard Twitter: https://twitter.com/charliespaniard Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/charliespaniard Youtube: https://youtube.com/user/charliespaniard Subscribe to The Spaniard Show: iTunes - https://apple.co/2kxob7j Google Play - https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Irpy2px7edqbwiwpil2ab2jq4me Stitcher - https://bit.ly/2qUBRPb OR search "Spaniard Show" on any podcast app