This one goes way back for me. John Lee Dumas was one of the first people I started listening to post-fighting. His podcast "Entrepreneurs on Fire" kept me company on many commutes back and forth to training, hours and hours on end. His daily podcast of interviewing entrepreneurs set itself apart in the podcasting world, and he has made a tremendous life from it. In his book, he outlines a plan you can I can use to achieve uncommon success. ... Get this book here: The Common Path to Uncommon Success To inquire about assemblies and speaking: Speaking Form Learn more about Spaniard School online membership: Spaniard School Purchase all your books here: Spaniard Show Reading List Get my two books here: DRIVEN, Becoming the World’s Toughest Lifelong Learner Connect on social media: Instagram: @charliespaniard YouTube: Charlie "The Spaniard" Brenneman Facebook: Charlie "The Spaniard" Brenneman Twitter: @charliespaniard