Election Time in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Election Time in Bosnia and Herzegovina



In this special pre-election episode of .think atlantic, IRI’s Thibault Muzergues is joined by two in-house Bosnia experts, IRI Deputy Program Director Amila Karacic and Resident Program Director Borislav Spasojevic to discuss the political landscape of the country and how upcoming elections can affect the region after October 2. Amila has served IRI since 2011, holding residence in Sarajevo. Her wide range of focus includes political party work, women’s empowerment programs, examining malign foreign influence as well as reconciliation programs and cross community engagement in Bosnia. Borislav has been with IRI since 2005 and is based in Sarajevo. and has played an essential role in the development and implementation of IRI’s Political Party Assistance program in BiH, which resulted in the formation of the Women’s Caucus in the House of Representatives of the Federation Parliament. What is the political system in Bosnia, and what makes it more complicated than other countries? What are the pressing issues of each campaign? Are there any issues that cross ethnic borders? Where do the parties stand regarding the possible reformation of the electoral system? To what extent is Russia involved in the destabilization of Bosnia and the region, and what can be done to counter these efforts? Listen for answers to these questions and more in this special pre-election episode. Find Amila Karacic on Twitter @AmilaKaracic Find Borislav Spasojevic on Twitter @borkospas Find Thibault Muzergues on Twitter @tmuzergues Find Think Atlantic on Twitter @ThinkAtlantic Find IRI on Twitter @IRIglobal



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